Die OEV beskik oor n gedragskode en beskik oor n uitgebreide Grondwet wat riglyne vir optrede en korrekte Bestuur deur die Vereniging daarstel.
The IEA support a code of conduct and has an extensive constitution which determine conduct and correct management by the Association.
kantoor | office address
9 Voorbaai Singel,
Voorbaai, Hartenbos,
Maart / April 2025 Vakansietydperk
- Sluitingsdatum
- Keuring Afgehandel
- **Indien gekeur – Laaste dag vir betaling:
NB: Voordat u die aansoekvorm voltooi
- Maak seker dat u al die nodige dokumentasie byderhand het soos:
- Almal: Afskrif van I.D en Foto’s (Pdf or Jpg).
- Kosstalletjies Sertifikate: (Pdf or Jpg)
- Gesondheidssertifikaat
- Handelslisensie
- Brandblussersertifikaat
- Gassertifikaat indien van toepassing.
March / April 2025 Holiday Period
- Applications CLOSE
- Holiday Period
- Selection Process Completed
- **Successful Applicants: Last Day for Payment
Digital Application Form
NB: Before you complete the Application form
- Ensure you have all the necessary documentation ready in Pdf or Jpg format before you begin the application form.:
- Everyone: Copy or your ID & Product Photos (Pdf or Jpg).
- Food Stalls’ Certificates: (Pdf or Jpg)
- Health Certificate
- Business Trade License
- Fire Extinguisher Certificate
- Gas Certificate (If Applicable)
Die OEV Kalender sluit ook in die hou van drie Aandmarkte wat elke Desember Skoolvakansie met toestemming van Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit gehou word.Twee van die gewilde Aandmarkte word te Hartenbos en een te Mossselbaai Sentraal in Blandstraat gehou .Die netto opbrengs van die drie Aandmarkte jaarliks gehou word dan ook netso aangewend vir Liefdadigheid in die Mosselbaai Distrik en help baie wie dit tog so nodig het.
[Kliek Hier om die Aandmark Stalletjie nommer uitleg te sien]
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- Foxit Pdf Reader ( Free Software – 14 Meg download )OR
- Adobe Acrobat Reader ( Free – 52 Megabyte download )
Enige van die twee bo-aanstaande progamme sal PDF lêrs soos die O.E.V Aansoekvorm maklik lees, of druk.
The IEA calander also include three night markets which are being held every December school holiday with permission and support of Mossel Bay Municipality. Two of these sought after night markets are being held at Hartenbos and the third at Mossel Bay Central in Bland street. The net profit from these Night Markets being held jearly goes directly to charity in Mossel Bay District and support and help those in need.
[Click Here To See Night Market Stall Number Positions]
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If you do not have a pdf reader like Adobe Acrobat installed we recommend downloading one of these free readers:
pdf reader
- Foxit Pdf Reader ( Free Software – 14 Meg download )OR
- Adobe Acrobat Reader ( Free – 52 Megabyte download )
Either application will view or print PDF files like the O.E.V Application form perfectly